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(scroll down to see full list; previous month's (January 2021) Viewpoint

Scroll down for: A Home and Small Business Viewpoint by Len Tondel, from 1st February 2021

By way of explanation. The term 'home business' consists of two words. 'Business' is the second one; it's there to qualify and support the word 'home' and all that goes with it - and not vice versa. Consequently, we also list below, items which are of interest and value to the home. Whether in its context as an office or as a part of your family and lifestyle but always directed at the improved prospects and enjoyment that running a business from home, in its entirety, can bring.

For a current, multi-part overview of starting and running a business from home, go here: http://www.homebusiness.org.uk/features.htm

28.02.2021: Rishi Sunak plots tax raid on parcels and freelance workers. https://uk.yahoo.com/news/rishi-sunak-plots-tax-raid-205001694.html What a surprise!!! Still. Got to keep the Meghan Markle knicker-sniffing, fake news gutter media and Tory propaganda in the taxpayer-subsidised style to which they have become accustomed.

Budget: £5bn business grants for firms hit hardest by Covid to aid recovery. https://www.aol.co.uk/budget-5bn-business-grants-firms-000120609.html

Worried eBay chief's warning to Chancellor on eve of the Budget: Be careful...or online tax raid will hit small firms and shoppers. https://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money/markets/article-9306959/EBay-chiefs-warning-Chancellor-eve-Budget.html The last thing the corrupt, fagging Tory regime is worried by - small firms and shoppers.

27.02.2021: Budget: Mortgage guarantee scheme to help those with small deposits. https://www.aol.co.uk/news/budget-mortgage-guarantee-scheme-help-000217466.html

Chancellor's tax crackdown could cost landlords £7,000. https://uk.yahoo.com/finance/news/chancellors-tax-crackdown-could-cost-150059634.html

Cyber criminals seek to cash in on Covid vaccines after fraudulent adverts pop up. https://www.cityam.com/cyber-criminals-seek-to-cash-in-on-covid-vaccines-after-fraudulent-adverts-pop-up/ Same culprits as the Brexit campaign, one supposes?

VAT deferral new payment scheme. https://www.gov.uk/government/news/vat-deferral-new-payment-scheme-online-service-opens A new scheme has been launched for businesses that deferred their VAT payments between March and June 2020. The VAT deferral new payment scheme allows businesses to pay their deferred VAT bill in smaller monthly instalments from March 2021. Businesses can opt into the scheme until 21 June 2021.

Support for exporters announced. https://www.gov.uk/government/news/ukef-overhauls-buyer-finance-support-to-boost-sme-exports UK Export Finance has launched a new guarantee scheme that will help overseas buyers of UK goods and services access finance to help unlock trade and increase exports. Under the Standard Buyer Loan Guarantee (SBLG), loans of up to 85% of the value of a contract with a UK exporter will be guaranteed. Typically these will be worth between £1 million and £30 million. This will ensure that UK businesses get paid upfront to fulfil an export contract and the overseas buyer can repay the loan over a longer period.

26.02.2021: Sunak set to overhaul Covid loan programme: Bounce back scheme to close at end of March. https://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money/markets/article-9301111/Sunak-set-overhaul-Covid-loan-programme-weeks-budget.html

Which? calls for urgent government action to protect access to cash. https://www.which.co.uk/news/2021/02/which-calls-for-urgent-government-action-to-protect-access-to-cash/

Landlords sell up amid fears of capital gains tax hikes. https://uk.yahoo.com/finance/news/landlords-sell-amid-fears-capital-102219781.html

HMRC chief receives call from scammers pretending to be taxman. https://www.aol.co.uk/news/hmrc-chief-receives-call-scammers-144133195.html We can see why there might easily have been some confusion.

US carried out airstrikes against Iran-backed militia in Syria. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/feb/25/us-airstrike-syria-iran-militia According to serial-lying pro-American terrorist propaganda, that is. Not taken the US murder industry's latest appointee long to carry on with the business as usual of murdering civilians, then? (Plus the continued spread of covid all around the world by American war criminals.)

25.02.2021: Brexit trade delays getting worse at UK border, survey finds. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2021/feb/24/brexit-trade-delays-getting-worse-uk-border-survey-finds Well, the Brexit 'changeover' is meant to be a 'ten year plan'. According to serial-lying politicians, Brexit campaigners and the fake news gutter media. Although they failed to point this out to the dumb British public in the run-up to the Brexit referendum.

Nearly 800,000 home-owners ‘vulnerable to repossession’. https://www.aol.co.uk/news/nearly-800-000-home-owners-220016628.html

Exclusive: New wave of £7,500 grants for self-employed – but scheme may be scrapped as restrictions end. https://uk.yahoo.com/news/wave-7-500-grants-self-214337715.html

Britons ‘could be owed £480m for being overcharged on smartphone purchases’. https://www.aol.co.uk/news/britons-could-owed-480m-being-161417573.html

Phone scam reports tripled in January, says HMRC. https://www.aol.co.uk/news/phone-scam-reports-tripled-january-124003033.html

24.02.2021: EU trade in trouble as over a fifth of UK firms consider curbing exports. https://uk.finance.yahoo.com/news/brexit-eu-trade-uk-currency-risk-sentiment-bcc-000153218.html Which spells even more trouble for UK firms themselves and so, of course, the UK economy - and employment.

Buy now, pay later schemes ‘fastest-growing online payment method in UK’. https://www.lbc.co.uk/business/c2be0b36d3d543a989a587107ead1311/ That's because people just ain't got no shekels no more and buying shit is more important than earning before spending.

Start-up businesses invited to join challenge to tackle poverty premium. https://www.aol.co.uk/news/start-businesses-invited-join-challenge-131912823.html

Fair treatment of vulnerable customers must be embedded in firms’ culture – FCA. https://www.aol.co.uk/news/fair-treatment-vulnerable-customers-must-102209575.html That way, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) can remain as ineffective as it has always been.

More mortgage options for first-time landlords. https://www.yourmortgage.co.uk/buy-to-let/more-mortgage-options-for-first-time-landlords/

Britain's au pair system 'killed' by Brexit. https://www.ibtimes.co.uk/britains-au-pair-system-killed-brexit-1688116

EU agrees sanctions against Russia over Navalny. https://www.eubusiness.com/news-eu/russia-sanctions-navalny.23oh As if the EU can afford to do even less business with the outside world than it does already. They must be hoping that a further stimulus to crimes against humanity, terrorist activity, the sponsorship of terrorism, money-laundering, fraud and thieving will take up still more financial slack.

STAY LOCAL: HOW FAR WILL I BE ABLE TO TRAVEL IN MARCH? https://www.independent.co.uk/travel/news-and-advice/where-travel-march-uk-local-rules-b1805759.html Unless you are a media barstool hypocrite like Pee'ers Moron, in which case you will be f*cking off to staycation in France.

23.02.2021: Sunak to raise business tax to pay for COVID-19 support - The Sunday Times. https://uk.yahoo.com/finance/news/sunak-raise-business-tax-pay-065807518.html Notable exclusions to the 'business tax' will be the gutter media and state propaganda, money-laundering, terrorism and the sponsorship of terrorism.

House prices jump by £57,000 as buyers rush to save on stamp duty. https://uk.yahoo.com/finance/news/house-prices-jump-57-000-101920803.html The British housing market Ponzi scheme goes from the sublime to the ridiculous.

Holiday bookings surge following lockdown exit plans. https://www.bbc.com/news/business-56161129 That should guarantee the spread of further pandemics as shit-faced Brits go in search of one-week spewing holidays.

Minister under fire for meeting with head of Muslim Council of Britain. https://uk.yahoo.com/news/minister-under-fire-meeting-head-222854694.html At a time when Britain needs every bit of support and every fresh avenue it can find, it seems the Tory regime's terrorists, sponsors of terrorism, supporters of apartheid, money-laundering, thieving, serial-lying and hypocrisy prefer to maintain their ties to their traditional cabal of war criminals, murderers and fanatics instead. Despite Brexit, it seems Britain is becoming more and more like Macron's 'separatist' France every day!

Matt Hancock's ex-neighbour investigated by medical watchdog after winning £30m Covid contract. https://uk.yahoo.com/news/inquiry-30m-covid-contract-matt-223508346.html Why isn't Hand-on-cock - and other bent Tories - being investigated as well? Or would that be 'anti-Semitic'?

Free wine and cash among rewards offered for switching current accounts. https://www.aol.co.uk/news/free-wine-cash-among-rewards-120641775.html

22.02.2021: Sunak to raise business tax to pay for COVID-19 support - The Sunday Times. https://uk.yahoo.com/finance/news/sunak-raise-business-tax-pay-065807518.html Obvious exceptions to the rise will be offshore Tory donors - including of course, the taxpayer-subsidised, fake news gutter media.

Middle-income households to be hit by ‘£2bn council tax bombshell’. https://uk.yahoo.com/news/middle-income-households-hit-2bn-101501136.html Obviously all part of the Great Brexit Plan: tax everyone except snout-in-trough Tory donors.

Sussex medicines firm takes production line abroad in white van to beat Brexit ban. https://uk.yahoo.com/news/sussex-medicines-firm-takes-production-093735306.html Let's hope that the French remember this gesture - that not every Brit is a serial-lying, thieving, Tory criminal.

New breed of local food halls in UK towns offer grub and a hub. https://www.theguardian.com/business/2021/feb/21/new-breed-of-local-food-halls-offers-grub-and-a-hub

Which Britons have been refused credit? https://yougov.co.uk/topics/finance/articles-reports/2021/02/22/which-britons-have-been-refused-credit

21.02.2021: UK retail sales plunge in latest national lockdown. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/business/lockdown-uk-retail-sales-covid-b1804718.html

Ports feel the chill as trade re-routes around Brexit Britain. https://www.theguardian.com/business/2021/feb/20/ports-feel-the-chill-as-trade-re-routes-around-brexit-britain

Post-Brexit law shift exempts golf buggies and ride-on lawnmowers from compulsory motor insurance. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/vnuk-law-lawmowers-golf-buggies-mobility-sccoters-insurance-b1805058.html Wow. The country's economy is almost ruined. Businesses are going bust or re-locating abroad in their thousands. At least half a million people have lost their jobs. But the public will now be able to ditch their cars to go shopping at Tesco with ride-in lawnmowers instead.

UK councils join Click It Local to support high street businesses. https://tamebay.com/2021/02/uk-councils-join-click-it-local-to-support-high-street-businesses.html

20.02.2021: Uber drivers are workers not self-employed, Supreme Court rules. https://www.bbc.com/news/business-56123668 It's 'only' taken 5 years to make an official start on undoing this Tory, fake guru, fake news media, ONS fake self-employed scam but - at least the truth has finally started to come out. Unlike reporting by ourselves and other independent sources which have been pointing the finger at the 'gig' economy from the outset. What remains to be seen now is just how quickly this inconvenient truth can be buried under a pile of graffiti reporting from the USA and the antics of the media's Z-rater personalities.

Self-assessment taxpayers given more time to avoid 5% late payment penalty. https://www.aol.co.uk/news/self-assessment-taxpayers-given-more-135832784.html

SMEs forecast 8.1% growth over 2021 as they plan for lockdown easing. https://smallbusiness.co.uk/smes-forecast-8-1-growth-over-2021-as-lockdown-restrictions-ease-2552160/ Ummm. I doubt that 95% of SMEs would even know how to forecast growth.

HSBC fraud helpline's 20-hour wait 'disgraceful'. https://www.bbc.com/news/business-56128679 Criminals do have a tendency to 'stick together'.

Where to recycle your old or unwanted clothes and beauty products on the high street. https://www.independent.co.uk/climate-change/sustainable-living/clothes-donate-recycle-bank-beauty-b1801648.html

19.02.2021: Brexit: Government acknowledges ‘non-tariff trading barriers’ have emerged. https://uk.yahoo.com/news/brexit-government-acknowledges-non-tariff-204345719.html Yet again - a blindingly obvious development which could have been discussed during the pre-referendum Brexit debate. Except that wouldn't have suited the agenda of the serial-lying Brexit campaigners looking to make huge profits from the public's stupidity.

The post-Brexit loss of British sovereignty. Full list of MPs who voted AGAINST giving Parliament a say on future trade deals. https://truepublica.org.uk/united-kingdom/full-list-of-mps-who-voted-against-giving-parliament-a-say-on-future-trade-deals/

Households’ hopes for personal finances improved in February – index. https://www.aol.co.uk/news/households-hopes-personal-finances-improved-122852882.html

Estimated 2m people ‘left out of pocket for flights they could not board’. https://www.aol.co.uk/news/estimated-2m-people-left-pocket-110346586.html

18.02.2021: Coronavirus: One in three business-to-consumer firms face cash crisis. https://uk.finance.yahoo.com/news/coronavirus-one-in-three-business-to-consumer-firms-face-cash-crisis-000112173.html

Rent debt crisis 'could lead to homelessness'. https://www.bbc.com/news/business-56103280

Trustpilot removed 2.2 million bogus reviews in 2020. https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-56100082 Only 20 million more to go.

Gig workers: guinea pigs of the new world of work. https://www.socialeurope.eu/gig-workers-guinea-pigs-of-the-new-world-of-work There is nothing 'new' about 'gig' workers. Only the terminology has changed. In the UK they have simply been defined as 'unemployed' in the past. Followed by 'fake self-employed.' Other than in the fake news media, of course.

CONSUMER TRENDS TO WATCH IN 2021 AND BEYOND - APAC EDITION. https://www.mintel.com/blog/consumer-market-news/consumer-trends-to-watch-in-2021-and-beyond-apac-edition

Broadband credit score mistake 'cost me thousands'. https://www.bbc.com/news/business-56069345

How to ease the scourge of late payments. https://magazine.dailybusinessgroup.co.uk/2021/02/18/how-to-ease-the-scourge-of-late-payments/

17.02.2021: Hikes to income tax and VAT likely as UK recovers from Covid-19, think tank says. https://www.aol.co.uk/hikes-income-tax-vat-likely-132222902.html No chance of Tory donors and sponsors simply paying their dues, then? Or would that be 'anti-Semitic' again?

HMRC release IR35 ‘compliance principles’ ahead of reform. http://www.shout99.com/contractors/showarticle.pl?id=81845;n=240

‘Click and collect’ cash initiative coming to the UK. https://www.aol.co.uk/news/click-collect-cash-initiative-coming-104416509.html

Adevinta and Ebay’s £6.5bn Gumtree deal ‘could lead to higher prices’. https://www.aol.co.uk/news/adevinta-ebay-6-5bn-gumtree-080819517.html

Amazon launches 2-day boot camp for Black-owned businesses. https://www.chargedretail.co.uk/2021/02/16/amazon-launches-2-day-boot-camp-for-black-owned-businesses/

16.02.2021: Travel and tourism suffers worst employment hit. https://www.aol.co.uk/news/travel-tourism-suffers-worst-employment-112218485.html

Latest Covid lockdown ends work for 700,000 UK freelancers. https://uk.yahoo.com/news/latest-covid-lockdown-ends-700-070035640.html

More than half of consumers feel that the government still isn’t doing enough to support high street retail and hospitality businesses. https://www.365retail.co.uk/more-than-half-of-consumers-feel-that-the-government-still-isnt-doing-enough-to-support-high-street-retail-and-hospitality-businesses/

Liz Truss is refusing to answer questions about trading crisis sparked by Brexit, parties protest. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/liz-truss-trading-brexit-b1802529.html

Google fined over ‘misleading’ French hotel rankings. https://www.aol.co.uk/news/google-fined-over-misleading-french-134355423.html

15.02.2021: Councils sitting on £1.4bn in Covid-19 grants due for businesses. https://www.aol.co.uk/news/councils-sitting-1-4bn-covid-094702830.html

UK-US Brexit trade deal ‘could fill supermarkets with cancer-risk bacon’. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/feb/14/uk-us-brexit-trade-deal-could-fill-supermarkets-with-cancer-risk-bacon That's why Britain has been groomed as an American colony since the Thatcher years. It's that 'special relationship' again - or, fleecing and dumping ground.

Fewer landlords buying properties with cash, report finds. https://www.aol.co.uk/news/fewer-landlords-buying-properties-cash-024521305.html

At-home food selling concerning, says Food Standards Agency. https://www.bbc.com/news/business-56032185

14.02.2021: FOUR IN FIVE SMALL BUSINESS OWNERS EXPERIENCING POOR MENTAL HEALTH. https://www.thehrdirector.com/business-news/mental-health/four-in-five-small-business-owners-experiencing-poor-mental-health/

Scotch whisky exports fall to lowest level in a decade. https://www.aol.co.uk/news/scotch-whisky-exports-fall-lowest-170043595.html

Quarantine hotel criticised for ‘dirty’ rooms and ‘small food portions’. https://www.aol.co.uk/news/quarantine-hotel-criticised-dirty-rooms-184052733.html

UK snail sales flourish amid lockdown. https://www.foodanddrinktechnology.com/news/37076/uk-snail-sales-flourish-amid-lockdown/

13.02.2021: ‘Worst economic crisis of any major economy’ as UK economy shrinks at fastest rate for 300 years. https://www.thelondoneconomic.com/business-economics/economics/worst-economic-crisis-of-any-major-economy-as-uk-economy-shrinks-at-fastest-rate-for-300-years/12/02/ For which we can thank the serial-lying, corrupt, fagging regime of Tory war criminals and the serial-lying, fake conspiracy, criminal, propaganda gutter press which put them in power.

Stealth tax raid on personal allowances to raise £6bn. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/money/other/stealth-tax-raid-on-personal-allowances-to-raise-6bn/ar-BB1dC0mO?ocid=msedgntp No suggestion of the offshore, taxpayer-subsidised, tax-dodging, fake news gutter press paying their way then?

Hotel quarantine website taken offline on day of launch. https://www.thecaterer.com/news/hotel-quarantine-website-taken-offline-day-launch

Companies fined £270,000 in total for making nuisance calls. https://www.aol.co.uk/news/companies-fined-270-000-total-133534374.html

12.02.2021: Brexit trade arrangements an ‘unmitigated disaster’, food sector bosses tell MPs. https://www.aol.co.uk/brexit-trade-arrangements-unmitigated-disaster-175428945.html

Amsterdam overtakes London as Europe’s largest trading hub. https://www.aol.co.uk/news/amsterdam-overtakes-london-europe-largest-104719034.html

Number of home-owners falling into mortgage arrears expected to increase in 2021. https://www.aol.co.uk/news/number-home-owners-falling-mortgage-145634865.html

Banks could be required to publish their bank transfer scam data. https://www.aol.co.uk/news/banks-could-required-publish-bank-142434149.html

£1.4 billion in vital business support withheld by local authorities, EIA reveals. https://www.eventindustrynews.com/news/1-4-billion-in-vital-business-support-withheld-by-local-authorities-eia-reveals

Hundreds of millions in green grants for English homes pulled despite delays. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2021/feb/10/hundreds-of-millions-in-green-grants-for-english-homes-pulled-despite-delays

11.02.2021: Exporters facing major difficulties with border changes, business group says. https://www.business-live.co.uk/economic-development/exporters-facing-major-difficulties-border-19812783

Almost half of consumers will continue to shop more locally, finds research. https://www.talkingretail.com/news/industry-news/almost-half-of-consumers-will-continue-to-shop-more-locally-finds-research-10-02-2021/

‘Romance fraud’ rises 20% during lockdown. https://www.creditstrategy.co.uk/news/news-top-stories/romance-fraud-rises-20-during-lockdown--18740

10.02.2021: Consumer spending drops 16% in January as shoppers “continue habits formed in first lockdown”. https://www.chargedretail.co.uk/2021/02/09/consumer-spending-drops-16-in-january-as-shoppers-continue-habits-formed-in-first-lockdown/

Brexit bureaucracy stopping shellfish imports to EU is ‘devastating blow’ for industry, government admits. https://uk.yahoo.com/news/brexit-bureaucracy-stopping-shellfish-imports-173353860.html

Government uses ‘shameful’ tactics to deny vote on trade deals with countries committing genocide. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/uknews/government-uses-shameful-tactics-to-deny-vote-on-trade-deals-with-countries-committing-genocide/ar-BB1dwzgK?ocid=msedgdhp

Online sales grow at record levels in January - but overall retail sales fall to lowest level since last May: BRC/Barclaycard. https://internetretailing.net/themes/themes/online-sales-grow-at-record-levels-in-january---but-overall-retail-sales-fall-to-lowest-level-since-last-may-brcbarclaycard-22673

Mass legal action brought against Facebook over ‘data protection failure’. https://www.aol.co.uk/news/mass-legal-action-brought-against-074318334.html

09.02.2021: Business borrowing soared but credit card usage plunged in 2020. https://www.aol.co.uk/news/business-borrowing-soared-credit-card-090059937.html

Brexiteers failed to take UK out of EU as single country, Tory MP admits. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/brexit-northern-ireland-uk-eu-drax-b1799315.html More treason, in other words.

UK declines to follow US in withdrawing support for Saudi terrorism and war crimes. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/feb/08/uk-declines-to-follow-us-in-suspending-saudi-arms-sales-over-yemen

Artists urged to shrug off Brexit blues in cross-Channel project. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2021/feb/08/artists-urged-shrug-off-brexit-blues-cross-channel-project

08.02.2021: Fury at Gove as exports to EU slashed by 68% since Brexit. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2021/feb/06/fury-at-gove-as-exports-to-eu-slashed-by-68-since-brexit

Gove’s office insists EU freight ‘near normal’. https://dailybusinessgroup.co.uk/2021/02/goves-office-insists-eu-freight-near-normal/

Amazon could be hit by online sales tax under business rates review. https://www.aol.co.uk/amazon-could-hit-online-sales-155424453.html Now that would be a rarity: scrounging US Big Corp paying its way.

UK towns with more immigrants do much better economically, study finds. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/immigration-economic-effect-uk-towns-b1798198.html That has long been common knowledge - and the only deniers have been bent Tory politicians and the hate-preaching, fake news, fake conspiracy, offshore gutter press. (Also owned by 'foreigners'.) And their dumber-than-dumb followers, usually on Fakebook and Twatter.

MPs urge British Olympians to boycott 2022 Beijing Winter Games. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/feb/06/mps-urge-british-olympians-to-boycott-2022-beijing-winter-games No problems with supporting and attending Olympic games in the USA which has committed genocide, war crimes and crimes and humanity on a scale hitherto unprecedented in human history. Nor in supporting athletes, teams and lesser games from terrorist states (customers) like Israel and Saudi Arabia; nor indeed, Britain itself, always a flag bearer for terrorism, genocide and war crimes itself. Mind you, hypocrisy and double standards would fall into total disrepute if they weren't constantly being demonstrated by politicians - and the fake news media.

07.02.2021: As trade through the Channel Tunnel collapses border delays and tariffs mean Brexit is wreaking havoc on our businesses. https://uk.yahoo.com/finance/news/border-delays-tariffs-were-told-152805124.html 'Wreaking havoc' was always going to be down to the Tory regime implementing Brexit; and the Semitic fake news gutter press responsible for both the Tories and Brexit.

UK FASHION INDUSTRY ‘IN JEOPARDY’ WITHOUT URGENT GOVERNMENT SUPPORT. https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/fashion/brexit-uk-fashion-industry-support-b1796173.html

06.02.2021: Brexit red tape chaos triggers collapse in trade going through Channel Tunnel. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/uknews/brexit-red-tape-chaos-triggers-collapse-in-trade-going-through-channel-tunnel/ar-BB1dpzjl?ocid=msedgdhp

Plans for new subsidies system. https://www.gov.uk/government/news/business-secretary-sets-out-new-subsidies-system-that-works-for-the-uk The Department for Business has published plans for a new UK-wide subsidy control system that will provide flexible and tailored financial support to businesses. The system will replace EU state aid rules and enable local authorities and devolved administrations to provide better-tailored support to start-ups, small businesses and new industries. A consultation on the plans has been launched and will close on 31 March 2021.

Same day local doorstep delivery service success. https://wholesalemanager.co.uk/same-day-local-doorstep-delivery-service-success/

UK government 'didn't know' woman involved in Dunn crash worked for US intelligence. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/courts/uk-government-didn-t-know-woman-involved-in-dunn-crash-worked-for-us-intelligence/ar-BB1dozfF?ocid=msedgdhp It's a fresh fairy tale every week as the Dunn case refuses to go away. Very good for Little Ingerlandt's image just as it is desperately looking for that magical 100 new trading partners to replace the EU! (Not that the Tories are likely to be able to damage Britain's reputation any more than they have done so in the past.)

05.02.2021: Brexit warning: UK and EU businesses told to brace for major border disruption from April. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/money/other/brexit-warning-uk-and-eu-businesses-told-to-brace-for-major-border-disruption-from-april/ar-BB1doeGb?ocid=msedgdhp That's unusual - the fake news gutter press publishing 'warnings' of the consequences of it's serial-lying, pro-Brexit disinformation campaign.

Culture Secretary assessing ‘absurd’ post-Brexit obstacles facing musicians. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/uknews/culture-secretary-assessing-absurd-post-brexit-obstacles-facing-musicians/ar-BB1do1Av?ocid=msedgdhp 'The obstacles' being of course, the pro-Brexit Tory regime and its negotiators who agreed the Brexit deal. Yet now it seems, it's all Brussels' fault. Again. (Although Little Ingerlandt's fish are a lot happier now.)

Home workers putting in more hours since Covid, research shows. https://www.theguardian.com/business/2021/feb/04/home-workers-putting-in-more-hours-since-covid-research That's because they are spending more time getting pissed and staying in bed.

Boris Johnson must commit to ruling out trade deals with genocidal regimes in wake of Uighur report, MPs say. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/boris-johnson-uighur-report-china-trade-deal-b1797563.html Which would obviously rule out trade deals with the Americans, the Israelis and the Saudis. So we know this is just another example of lying, Tory bullshit.

I struggled as a self-employed Amazon driver – while the company boomed. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2021/feb/04/self-employed-amazon-driver-company-delivered

04.02.2021: Shops and landlords pay almost £1bn in rates despite holiday. https://www.aol.co.uk/news/2021/02/02/shops-and-landlords-pay-almost-a-1bn-in-rates-despite-holiday/

Conservative MPs laud post-Brexit ‘return of the booze cruise’. https://www.aol.co.uk/conservative-mps-laud-post-brexit-175559368.html Having almost completely fc*uked up the country's economy, this is the only aspect of Brexit which has merit for the Tories? A boatful of gobby, shitfaced Brits with carrier-bags filled with cheap plonk with which to get shitfaced yet again?

Potatoes and tractors banned from Northern Ireland if they have British soil on them. https://uk.yahoo.com/news/potatoes-tractors-banned-northern-ireland-195202582.html We can see now where Brussels bureaucrats received their training.

London courier launches two-hour delivery service for local businesses. https://www.talkingretail.com/news/industry-news/london-courier-launches-two-hour-delivery-service-for-local-businesses-03-02-2021/

03.02.2021: Average British family spent extra £50 on groceries in January. https://www.theguardian.com/business/2021/feb/02/average-british-family-spent-extra-50-on-groceries-in-january

Buy now pay later firms will come under FCA regulation. https://www.aol.co.uk/news/2021/02/02/buy-now-pay-later-firms-will-come-under-fca-regulation/ In other words they will be joining all the other crooks, scammers, tax dodgers and money-launderers under FCA 'regulation'.

Record staycation summer expected for 2021 as travel firms see huge surge in bookings. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/travel/news/record-staycation-summer-expected-for-2021-as-travel-firms-see-huge-surge-in-bookings/ar-BB1djZSH?ocid=msedgdhp

Brexit: 15 million baby bees could be seized and burned over ‘monumentally stupid’ rules. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/brexit-bees-burned-uk-eu-rules-b1796201.html The Tory Brexit Wankfest gets under way.

Gambling companies ordered to slow down addictive online slot machines amid growing evidence of harm. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/business/gambling-online-slot-machines-rules-losses-b1796561.html Or, they could simply ban online gambling. Although that would mean far fewer cash suppositories for bent Tories. And it would be 'anti-Semitic'.

02.02.2021: Brexit 'teething problems' endemic and could ruin us, say UK businesses. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2021/jan/31/brexit-trade-troubles-teething-problems-endemic-disruption

Shoppers ‘at risk from online retailers flouting consumer returns rules’. https://www.aol.co.uk/news/2021/01/30/shoppers-a-at-risk-from-online-retailers-flouting-consumer-retu/

1.8m taxpayers miss January 31 self-assessment deadline. https://www.aol.co.uk/news/2021/02/01/1-8m-taxpayers-miss-january-31-self-assessment-deadline/

01.02.2021: Road freight between Britain and EU is down by a third, data shows. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/brexit/road-freight-between-britain-and-eu-is-down-by-a-third-data-shows/ar-BB1dg1bo?ocid=msedgdhp

Businesses welcome UK's plan to join one of the world's biggest free-trade areas. https://uk.yahoo.com/finance/news/brexit-uk-could-join-worlds-biggest-free-trade-areas-australia-japan-tariffs-imports-exports-223013053.html 'Businesses' which have failed to make a go of trading with Europe just over 20 miles away think they are going to succeed with a fake 'free trade' deal with the other side of the world, competing with lower wages, lower costs, better skill sets and superior productivity? Are these 'businesses' the same nutters who voted for Brexit lies in the first place?

Man told to pay £29 VAT bill to pick up online order after it arrived in the UK. https://www.mirror.co.uk/money/man-told-pay-29-vat-23408989

With our usual gratitude and thanks to BAD News and Cobweb Info.

Len Tondel



Viewpoint: January 2021.

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January 2018; February; March; April; May; June; July; August; September; October; November; December.

January 2017; February; March; April; May; June; July; August; September; October; November; December.

January 2016; February; March; April; May; June; July; August; September; October; November; December

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