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(scroll down to see full list; previous month's (November 2020) Viewpoint

Scroll down for: A Home and Small Business Viewpoint by Len Tondel, from 1st December 2020

By way of explanation. The term 'home business' consists of two words. 'Business' is the second one; it's there to qualify and support the word 'home' and all that goes with it - and not vice versa. Consequently, we also list below, items which are of interest and value to the home. Whether in its context as an office or as a part of your family and lifestyle but always directed at the improved prospects and enjoyment that running a business from home, in its entirety, can bring.

For a current, multi-part overview of starting and running a business from home, go here: http://www.homebusiness.org.uk/features.htm

31.12.2020: Businesses must understand significant changes brought by Brexit, say MPs. https://www.aol.co.uk/news/2020/12/29/businesses-must-understand-significant-changes-brought-by-brexit/ Are there any MPs who 'understand' the significant changes brought about by Brexit? Although until - and if - they do, then propaganda like this will have to suffice. And the offshore, fake news gutter press will be making sure we get it.

Only 17% of Britons think Boris Johnson’s ‘fantastic’ Brexit deal is good for country. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/boris-johnson-brexit-deal-public-approval-b1780300.html Which is 17% more than the number of politicians who believe in the 'fantastic' Brexit deal - unofficially, of course.

England needs to build 300 homes a day to cope with migrant surge, study finds. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/uknews/england-needs-to-build-300-homes-a-day-to-cope-with-migrant-surge-study-finds/ar-BB1clfMI?ocid=msedgntp Hardly a 'surge' if these highly dubious statistics are based on figures from the past five years. And if true, you would have thought that state fake news and propaganda would have been more appreciative of all the extra business generated by such a large influx of consumers although every industrial sector from housing through to the food industry have also failed to identify these massive numbers of new customers and employees, it seems. On the other hand, if such large numbers of refugees (not 'migrants') really are a problem then all Little Ingerlandt has to do is withdraw from its membership of NATO (North Atlantic Terrorist Organisation), stop bombing countries which can't defend themselves and refrain from any further support and sponsorship of international war criminals and terrorists.

30.12.2020: UK shoppers face Brexit duties on holiday and online purchases. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2020/dec/28/brexit-customs-duties-to-apply-to-eu-goods-worth-more-than-390 Let Little Ingerlandt's orgy of Brexit red tape and taxation begin.

UK broadband usage more than doubles in 2020, Openreach says. https://www.aol.co.uk/news/2020/12/29/uk-broadband-usage-more-than-doubles-in-2020-openreach-says/ The porn industry has never had it so good.

Government signs deal to continue trade terms with Turkey. https://www.aol.co.uk/news/2020/12/29/government-signs-deal-to-continue-trade-terms-with-turkey/ Yet another Brexit 'trade deal' which merely confirms the pre-Brexit trade deal already in place. Although this particular agreement will be like a wet kipper across Macron's face. Outspoken critics of 'separatist', 'racist', 'Islamophobic', 'hate-preaching' France, are the Turks - exercising their democratic right to freedom of speech.

Best Black owned businesses UK to support in 2021 and beyond. https://uk.yahoo.com/style/best-black-owned-businesses-uk-121053508.html

29.12.2020: EU ambassadors give green light to Brexit deal. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/brexit/eu-ambassadors-give-green-light-to-brexit-deal/ar-BB1chPqH?ocid=msedgdhp It looks as if the EU got what it wanted, then?

How small businesses adapted to survive and thrive during the pandemic. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/business/news/coronavirus-small-businesses-pandemic-lockdown-b1770097.html

Landlord praised for note to 'struggling' tenant who didn't get any Christmas gifts. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/offbeat/landlord-praised-for-note-to-struggling-tenant-who-didn-t-get-any-christmas-gifts/ar-BB1chOgd?ocid=msedgdhp

28.12.2020: UK high streets empty on Boxing Day as shoppers stay at home. https://www.theguardian.com/business/2020/dec/27/uk-high-streets-empty-on-boxing-day-as-shoppers-stay-at-home

With just days to go, Britain urges business to prepare for end of Brexit transition. https://uk.reuters.com/article/uk-britain-eu-preparations/with-just-days-to-go-britain-urges-business-to-prepare-for-end-of-brexit-transition-idUKKBN292003?rpc=401& British businesses on the other hand, are waiting for the government to prepare for the end to the Brexit transition.

Saving more, spending less and clearing debts are popular 2021 money resolutions. https://www.aol.co.uk/news/2020/12/27/saving-more-spending-less-and-clearing-debts-are-popular-2021-m/ Or, ain't got no shekels, as the saying goes.

Three in four think Covid will affect cash use in coming months – survey. https://www.aol.co.uk/news/2020/12/27/three-in-four-think-covid-will-affect-cash-use-in-coming-months/ Good news for the banks and their unfit for purpose online banking scams.

Musicians will abandon tours after huge new costs and bureaucracy of Brexit deal, ministers warned. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/brexit-deal-musicians-tours-concerts-b1779238.html As we have been saying for years - it's British beauracracy which is the real issue and not anything emanating from Brussels.

27.12.2020: Sunday papers: ‘Betrayal’ of fishing industry as ‘vague’ deal fails to give clarity to business. https://www.thelondoneconomic.com/news/sunday-papers-betrayal-of-fishing-industry-as-vague-deal-fails-to-give-clairty-to-business/27/12/ Just like fake news, gutter press reporting of Brexit issues generally in other words.

Shoppers plan to spend £162 on average online in post-Christmas sales – survey. https://www.aol.co.uk/news/2020/12/24/shoppers-plan-to-spend-a-162-on-average-online-in-post-christmas/

Top tips on how to get a mortgage if you're self-employed. https://uk.finance.yahoo.com/news/how-get-mortgage-tips-self-employed-freelance-055447510.html

Bonjour Europe: Britons are turning to learning languages like never before. https://www.theguardian.com/education/2020/dec/26/bonjour-europe-britons-are-turning-to-learning-languages-like-never-before Getting ready to jump the sinking Brexit ship?

26.12.2020: From tariffs to visas: here's what's in the Brexit deal. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2020/dec/24/from-tariffs-to-visas-heres-whats-in-the-brexit-deal

Tourism sector ‘breathing a sigh of relief’ after trade deal. https://www.aol.co.uk/news/2020/12/24/tourism-sector-a-breathing-a-sigh-of-reliefa-after-trade-deal/ They don't know what they are getting yet. All we have so far are some sheets of paper filled with Tory lies, promises and fantasies.

25.12.2020: Brexit trade deal agreed at last minute. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/brexit/brexit-trade-deal-agreed-at-last-minute/ar-BB1ccZqE?ocid=msedgdhp

'We have a problem with France' - angry hauliers. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/uknews/we-have-a-problem-with-france-angry-hauliers/vi-BB1cbuhq?ocid=msedgdhp Hauliers have always 'had a problem' with 'separatist' France. If not trying to cope with endless strikes by the country's taxpayer-subsidised emmerdeurs, then it's pretexts like the latest covid strain (the French version currently being spread through the country by Parisites with secondary homes as well as politicians) or, come winter-time, by no-one wanting to sacrifice their holidays gritting the roads, providing a breakdown service or maintaining law and order.

Germans airlifting food to Yorkshire due to Channel blockage. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/uk-travel-ban-germany-lufthansa-yorkshire-channel-b1778197.html 'Germans', eh? As in foreigners and EU members? And not teams of Brexit Knobheads led by serial-lying hypocrite, scrounger, hate-preacher, terrorist groupie and barstool gobshite, Nigel Disparage?

Reform of IR35 tax rules returns for freelancers. https://moneyweek.com/economy/small-business/602529/reform-of-ir35-tax-rules-returns-for-freelancers

Athletics will ‘ruthlessly weed out drugs cheats’, Sebastian Coe insists. https://www.independent.co.uk/sport/general/athletics/drugs-cheats-doping-sebastian-coe-b1778033.html Why just 'athletics'? Although even if that were true, there wouldn't be an American athlete of any description in any sporting event for the next century. In the meantime, the abuse of sport in the form of 'sportwashing' by the world's terrorists, war criminals, fanatics and thieves goes with as much of a mention in the fake news gutter press as interviews with their victims.

Sun Yang: Olympic champion swimmer has eight-year doping ban overturned. https://www.independent.co.uk/sport/olympics/swimming/sun-yang-doping-ban-overturned-olympics-b1778541.html At least it helped shift the spotlight away for a while from state-sponsored American dopers, currently being heavily promoted by the UK's fake news media.

24.12.2020: French Border: UK And France Strike Deal On Dover Crossing After Freight Chaos. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/uknews/french-border-uk-and-france-strike-deal-on-dover-crossing-after-freight-chaos/ar-BB1c9x5v?ocid=msedgdhp

Warning of stampede away from self-employment. https://www.aol.co.uk/news/2020/12/23/warning-of-stampede-away-from-self-employment/

New trade barriers service to support UK exporters. https://www.gov.uk/government/news/new-trade-barriers-service-launched-to-help-british-businesses-export-internationally The Department for International Trade has launched an online service to help British exporters identify new trade opportunities overseas. The trade barriers service will allow users to search for information about barriers which could restrict trade and investment in overseas markets. The service will also help exporters identify potential markets and growth opportunities for their products and services.

Next steps in Government's £5 billion gigabit broadband plan. https://www.gov.uk/government/news/next-steps-in-governments-5-billion-gigabit-broadband-plan The Government has set out the next steps in its £5 billion strategy to deliver next generation, gigabit-capable broadband to the entire country. Homes and businesses that do not yet have access to superfast broadband will be prioritised.

Wallet contents could be goldmine for fraudsters, research warns. https://www.aol.co.uk/news/2020/12/23/wallet-contents-could-be-goldmine-for-fraudsters-research-warns/

23.12.2020: Efforts continue to resolve Channel crossing coronavirus crisis. https://www.aol.co.uk/news/2020/12/22/efforts-continue-to-resolve-channel-crossing-coronavirus-crisis/

Firms warn UK 'using up' stockpiles built up for Brexit amid France border shutdown. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/money/other/firms-warn-uk-using-up-stockpiles-built-up-for-brexit-amid-france-border-shutdown/ar-BB1c9ajl?ocid=msedgdhp

800,000 private renters in arrears due to Covid-19 crisis, landlords estimate. https://www.aol.co.uk/news/2020/12/21/800-000-private-renters-in-arrears-due-to-covid-19-crisis-landl/

22.12.2020: UK economy in crisis as countries ban flights and freight from UK. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/travel/news/uk-economy-in-crisis-as-countries-ban-flights-and-freight-from-uk/ar-BB1c6hBn?ocid=msedgdhp

Royal Mail halts deliveries to several countries after travel ban. https://uk.reuters.com/article/uk-health-coronavirus-royal-mail/royal-mail-halts-deliveries-to-several-countries-after-travel-ban-idUKKBN28V2AG

21.12.2020: Home workers who 'built up savings' must go on spending spree when pandemic ends, Rishi Sunak says. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/money/news/home-workers-who-built-up-savings-must-go-on-spending-spree-when-pandemic-ends-rishi-sunak-says/ar-BB1c4x5T?ocid=msedgdhp

Greedy developers sitting on land for 1 million homes despite housing crisis. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/money/homeandproperty/greedy-developers-sitting-on-land-for-1-million-homes-despite-housing-crisis/ar-BB1c4eOJ?ocid=msedgdhp

Ten billionaires reap $400bn boost to wealth during pandemic. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/money/news/ten-billionaires-reap-400bn-boost-to-wealth-during-pandemic/ar-BB1c4g61?ocid=msedgdhp

20.12.2020: Brexit: Ministers warned UK businesses 'not prepared' for no-deal. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/uknews/brexit-ministers-warned-uk-businesses-not-prepared-for-no-deal/ar-BB1c4162?ocid=msedgdhp Nor is the vast majority of the British public. Which leaves just a handful of tax-dodging, offshore big businesses and their bent politicians.

Brexit: Ministers to treble number of foreign fruit and veg pickers to ease fears of rotting harvests. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/brexit-fruit-veg-pickers-eu-b1775742.html Brexit-voting knobheads still not coming forward to do their patriotic duty? Or are they too busy reading the latest fake news shite in the country's offshore, taxpayer-subsidised, hate-preaching, semitic gutter press? So, just like the last war, it will be up to foreigners to bale them out again.

Christmas rush and Brexit uncertainty fuel miles-long lorry queues in Kent. https://www.standard.co.uk/news/uk/christmas-brexit-lorries-queues-m20-kent-b389133.html The 'Christmas rush' hasn't caused problems on this scale before so we can lay almost all the blame at the foot of 'Brexit uncertainty'. 'Fuelled' of course, by the Brexit lie-promoting, fake news gutter press.

Turkeys ‘kicked hundreds of times and left wounded at farms supplying Sainsbury and Asda’. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/turkey-christmas-sainsbury-asda-bird-supermarket-b1776255.html 'Asda price', eh? As we have been saying for decades, these practices have been going on since I was a wee laddie. More than decades ago. Perhaps schools should do some educating for a change and get their fick yooves out and about a bit as part of the national curriculum. Or would that make them too intelligent to vote for a corrupt, fagging Tory regime in future?

19.12.2020: Fewer than one in five small firms fearing end of transition have prepared, new study finds. https://www.fsb.org.uk/resources-page/fewer-than-one-in-five-small-firms-fearing-end-of-transition-have-prepared-new-study-finds.html As many as 'fewer than one in five'?! I find that hard to believe.

Christmas post delays blamed on 'high demand'. https://www.bbc.com/news/business-55364955 And leaves on the railway lines, of course.

Millions in UK struggling to pay internet and phone bills, says Ofcom. https://www.theguardian.com/money/2020/dec/18/millions-uk-struggling-pay-internet-phone-bills-ofcom-covid I'll bet Ofcon staff aren't 'struggling'!

Life has got worse since Arab spring, say people across Middle East. https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2020/dec/17/arab-spring-people-middle-east-poll That's the way it was engineered - by American and French terrorists - who also have their stinky pinkies all over Britain's Brexit arrangements. With much help from the fagging Tory regime, an un-elected puppet Prime Minister and the fake news media/propaganda.

18.12.2020: Exclusive: UK Has Already Begun Drafting Legislation For A Brexit Deal. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/uknews/exclusive-uk-has-already-begun-drafting-legislation-for-a-brexit-deal/ar-BB1c0XV1?ocid=msedgdhp

Construction supply cartel fined £15m for price fixing. https://www.aol.co.uk/news/2020/12/17/construction-supply-cartel-fined-a-15m-for-price-fixing/ Business back to usual the day after the fine.

How the pandemic is fuelling a boom in bike delivery. https://www.independent.co.uk/independentpremium/business/covid-bike-delivery-cheese-b1770020.html

Emmanuel Macron: French president tests positive for coronavirus. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/emmanuel-macron-covid-coronavirus-update-b1775440.html He will have picked up the chemical warfare bug from his recent meeting with American war criminal, Muck Poo&Pee-o when the latter visited France and Israel to organise a terrorist attack on Iranian civilians. Naturally, M. Macron remained conspicuously silent after the murders. Probably too busy plotting how to stick some hate-preaching to the 'separatist' rosbifs next.

17.12.2020: Mortgage lenders turn against self-employed workers. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/money/other/mortgage-lenders-turn-against-self-employed-workers/ar-BB1bXnQ5?ocid=msedgdhp

Poor customer service could cost UK businesses £1.9bn over holiday period. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/money/other/poor-customer-service-could-cost-uk-businesses-1-9bn-over-holiday-period/ar-BB1bYkqT?ocid=msedgdhp

Record 64% of debit card payments were contactless in September. https://www.aol.co.uk/news/2020/12/16/record-64-of-debit-card-payments-were-contactless-in-september/

Data roaming after Brexit: What the UK leaving the EU means for using phone internet when travelling in Europe. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/money/technology/data-roaming-after-brexit-what-the-uk-leaving-the-eu-means-for-using-phone-internet-when-travelling-in-europe/ar-BB1bX7kU?ocid=msedgdhp

Britain and Mexico agree deal on post-Brexit trade. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/money/other/britain-and-mexico-agree-deal-on-post-brexit-trade/ar-BB1bWLl1?ocid=msedgdhp It is hoped this agreement will open further doors to the taxpayer-subsidised British murder industry supplying even more arms to the Mexican drug cartels.

HALF of £42billion Covid biz loans 'hoarded in firms' bank accounts'. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/money/other/half-of-42billion-covid-biz-loans-hoarded-in-firms-bank-accounts/ar-BB1bWBVU?ocid=msedgdhp With this unsubstantiated information from the usual incompetent, disreputable sources appearing in the Tory regime's fake news propaganda, it looks as if the writing might be on the wall for any more 'biz loans'. Other than to offshore-based, non-taxpaying, Tory sponsors and donors. Like the gutter press, for example.

EDF Energy pays out £6 million after UK power market breach. https://www.aol.co.uk/news/2020/12/16/edf-energy-pays-out-a-6-million-after-uk-power-market-breach/ Sounds like the perfect credentials for EDF to be awarded yet another £ multi-billion power station contract by the bent, incompetent, Tory regime.

55% of people in high-risk flood areas regret moving there, report finds. https://www.aol.co.uk/news/2020/12/15/55-of-people-in-high-risk-flood-areas-regret-moving-there-repo/ The remaining 45% weren't asked.

DIY shops in Europe selling wood taken illegally from Russia, report alleges. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/dec/16/diy-shops-europe-wood-russia-lumber-taiga-eu So there's hope for no-deal Brexit, then? Since nobody takes any notice of official agreements, anyway. Especially the French.

16.12.2020: Ecommerce grows at its fastest rate since 2007 as lockdown and peak trading discounting combine. https://internetretailing.net/themes/themes/ecommerce-grows-at-its-fastest-rate-since-2007-as-lockdown-and-peak-trading-discounting-combine-22456

Customers told to beware of parcel delivery scams in run up to Christmas. https://uk.finance.yahoo.com/news/customers-told-to-beware-of-parcel-delivery-scams-in-run-up-to-christmas-164124609.html

YouGov data reveals most effective Christmas advert of 2020. https://www.thegrocer.co.uk/marketing/yougov-data-reveals-most-effective-christmas-advert-of-2020/651427.article

Swoope Local helps small independent businesses get online. https://tamebay.com/2020/12/swoope-local-helps-small-independent-businesses-get-online.html

15.12.2020: Buy-to-let sales boom as landlords rush to benefit from stamp duty holiday. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/money/news/buy-to-let-sales-boom-as-landlords-rush-to-benefit-from-stamp-duty-holiday/ar-BB1bU2sq?ocid=msedgdhp That should provide the Tory regime with some more taxation fodder shortly! Got to keep its taxpayer-funded, tax-dodging, offshore, fake news propaganda/media in the style to which it has become accustomed.

Sizewell C: Government in talks to fund £20bn French-built nuclear plant. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-55299511 Huge, snout-in-trough contracts with EU member states aren't to be affected by Brexit, then?

Google suffers worldwide outage with Gmail, YouTube and other services down. https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2020/dec/14/google-suffers-worldwide-outage-with-gmail-youtube-and-other-services-down

Parisians: ‘We love Britain’s culture, its energy, its people. It’s sad you don’t love us too’. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2020/dec/13/parisians-we-love-britains-culture-its-energy-its-people-its-sad-you-dont-love-us-too Parisites aren't widely considered to be representative of the French, no more so than the disinformation peddled by the fake news media and Brexiteers is typical of the average British point of view - whatever the results of a criminal Brexit campaign might suggest. Otherwise, every street in the UK would be full of people looking like used Kleenexes looking for American arses.

14.12.2020: Brexit talks will continue amid new hopes of progress, UK and EU announce. https://uk.yahoo.com/news/brexit-talks-continue-amid-hopes-114620158.html

Businesses need detailed answers on Brexit, not vague letters or TV ads. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2020/dec/13/businesses-need-detailed-answers-on-brexit-not-vague-letters-or-tv-ads Nonetheless, it's what persuaded millions of morons to vote for the Tory regime at the last elections. Plus fake news, fake conspiracies, hated-preaching, serial-lying and disinformation in the fake news media.

Britons told not to stockpile food ahead of January. https://www.bbc.com/news/business-55293595 That's so they can starve under the Tory regime instead.

Energy bills: Automatic switching plan for fairer tariffs. https://www.bbc.com/news/business-55258523

Fraudsters tricked me into paying £169 for a new roof - now the bank says it's my fault. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/money/other/fraudsters-tricked-me-into-paying-169-for-a-new-roof-now-the-bank-says-it-s-my-fault/ar-BB1bSHev?ocid=msedgdhp Obviously. One should always choose a bank without criminal connections and which offers an ethical and competent service. Errrr . . .

Make Do and Mend: The luxury fashion repair services breathing new life into old clothes. https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/fashion/clothing-repair-service-uk-bags-shoes-b1765737.html

Brexit Bullshit Latest. https://truepublica.org.uk/united-kingdom/weekly-news-review-5/

The nightmare continues with yet another deadline – this Sunday. Our report this week on the psychodrama of Brexit really says that what is going on is all staged and designed to make us all think that this government are fighting an intransigent EU who simply won’t negotiate. It’s all nonsense. If anything, the reality of Brexit is now plain for Johnson to see. Unless he backs down, there’s no deal. And if he does, he’ll arrive back at Downing Street being hounded by his own party – and he won’t last long. Almost all of the news correspondents in Brussels right now are confirming that the leaders of EU member states have given up on Britain and no-one seems confident now that a deal will be done. That is unless yet another deadline is announced – quite likely to be New year’s Eve. Who knows.

Throughout all of this, we should not forget the basic fundamental promises made by the architects of the Leave campaign, which was significantly led by Boris Johnson and Micheal Gove. We should also not forget the criminality of this campaign, especially in light of new evidence connecting Johnson, Gove and Cummings to the Cambridge Analytica/Facebook scandal (source). They promised that Britain would be part of the EU’s free trade zone and that they would negotiate the terms of the deal BEFORE putting the country through the legal process (source). As we have witnessed – that was all a lie.

The Conservative Party website makes these explicit promises dated Nov 23rd 2019 (HERE) prior to his election. That – Boris Johnson has negotiated a great new deal with the EU (He hadn’t). That – Sets a path to a future relationship based on friendship and trade (it didn’t). That – Boris Johnson’s Brexit deal sets a clear future for the UK (there was no deal). And that – It gives certainty to EU citizens here and UK citizens abroad (a blatant lie).

Before Rishi Sunak was appointed to No11 Downing Street, he too was bleating on about the easiest deal in history. Jim Pickard at the FT reminds us of Sunak’s promises – “We don’t a plan for no-deal, because we have a deal. There is going to be a trade deal. Everybody said we wouldn’t be able to get this deal, but we have got this deal.” He was either completely wrong or lied through his teeth. Quite how that huge ‘misunderstanding’ of reality relates to him being qualified to be Chancellor of the Exchequer is beyond me.

All of this, and let’s call out Brexit for exactly what it is – a failure – is generating critical commentary from those more qualified than those in the cabinet.

Jessica Simor QC rightly points out that – “One of many tragedies of this Brexit farce is that many Ministers will even now – in the face of their catastrophic failure – still not suffer a single moment of self-doubt. They will still believe themselves clever, knowledgeable and meant for public office” (source).

Jonathan Lis, Director at Influence group also points out that whilst fishing might be ‘totemic’ as they keep saying, it belies logic – “I just can’t understand why the government is so keen to preserve the rights of fishers to catch stocks they won’t be able to sell – and so completely untroubled by it throw every British lamb producer to the wall” (source).

Tim Walker at The New European reports from a correspondent in Brussels: ‘You were a significant EU member when all this began in 2016, but that significance – in terms of economic strength, your City, key industries, diplomatic clout, relationship with the US – has since been degraded. We can now afford to lose you’ (source).

Bloomberg News reports that – Instead of prodding Germany into a Brexit deal against French wishes, the U.K. prime minister is binding them closer together and not only has his divide and rule failed – no-one is listening to him anymore. “The problem for Johnson is that nobody’s taking his bait. What drives this unity is the sense that signing a bad deal with Johnson, who has a reputation for reneging on agreements, could have longer-lasting consequences for the EU single market than the disruption of a no-deal scenario.” This is what happens when trust goes out the window and a career liar is sent to represent you (source).

13.12.2020: Brexit: Businesses despair at prospect of no-deal. https://www.bbc.com/news/business-55286327

Navy to protect UK fishermen if Brexit talks fail. https://dailybusinessgroup.co.uk/2020/12/navy-to-protect-uk-fishermen-if-brexit-talks-fail/ A desperate propaganda gesture designed to blow snow over the serial-incompetence of the Tory regime. Intended for consumption by the Brexiteer morons who believe what they read in the country's offshore, taxpayer-subsidised, fake news gutter press. We would hope EU member countries adopt a more mature stance or hundreds of thousands of British businesses could face bankruptcy literally overnight if retaliatory measures are taken.

Anyway, isn't the Navy already under orders from Tory evil-doer and terrorist-hugger, Pratti Pute-el, to aid the sinking of leaking dinghies filled with refugees fleeing NATO war crimes?

Brexit stockpiling causing 10-mile tailbacks in Calais. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2020/dec/12/brexit-stockpiling-causing-10-mile-tailbacks-calais

Over half of all British adults got into debt in 2020, study shows. https://www.independent.co.uk/independentpremium/british-adults-debt-2020-furlough-covid19-b1770110.html The other half simply remained in debt as usual.

Banks 'too often blaming customers' for fraud. https://www.bbc.com/news/business-55286037 Can anyone imagine banks doing anything but . . . ?

Former sub-postmasters have convictions over IT scandal quashed. https://news.sky.com/story/former-sub-postmasters-have-convictions-over-it-scandal-quashed-12158546 And now, let's put Post Office senior management in the dock - after seizing their assets, declaring them bankrupt and labelling them criminals. At the same time, local magistrates' courts which were responsible for the original sentencing, have demonstrated once again how unequal they are to dealing with anything beyond local shoplifting and their continuing role in assessing matters well beyond their intellectual reach, should be re-examined as a matter of urgency.

UK to regulate social media firms such as Facebook and Twitter over content removal. https://www.cityam.com/uk-aims/ In other words, state regulation of social media to ensure regime-friendly content only.

‘Signs of green shoots’ in 2021 inbound tourism forecast. https://www.aol.co.uk/news/2020/12/12/a-signs-of-green-shootsa-in-2021-inbound-tourism-forecast/ That will be doomed once the Tories find out.

12.12.2020: EU says ‘serious disruption and public disorder’ on roads within weeks if no Brexit deal agreed. https://uk.yahoo.com/news/eu-says-serious-disruption-and-public-disorder-on-roads-within-weeks-if-no-brexit-deal-agreed-140218645.html

Buy now, pay later schemes may encourage over-spending, warns Which? https://www.aol.co.uk/news/2020/12/10/buy-now-pay-later-schemes-may-encourage-over-spending-warns-wh/

Court allows £14bn suit against Mastercard in UK's first consumer class action. https://uk.finance.yahoo.com/news/uk-supreme-court-allows-mastercard-suit-uks-first-mass-consumer-class-action-personal-finance-134628594.html

Adults to gain new skills on 400 free courses. https://www.gov.uk/government/news/adults-to-gain-new-skills-on-400-free-courses Tens of thousands of adults will be able to benefit from almost 400 free courses next year, in the first major development in the Lifetime Skills Guarantee.

11.12.2020: No-deal Brexit economic fallout predicted to exceed that caused by coronavirus. https://www.aol.co.uk/news/2020/12/10/no-deal-brexit-economic-fallout-predicted-to-exceed-that-caused/

Fears of price hikes, shortages and mass job losses as Brexit deadline looms. https://www.business-live.co.uk/economic-development/fears-price-hikes-shortages-mass-19432102

Brits facing EU travel ban from January as Covid rules kick in post-Brexit. https://www.theweek.co.uk/coronavirus/108931/brits-face-eu-travel-ban-after-1-january-due-to-covid-rules

Threat of Christmas toy shortages due to disruption at ports. https://www.aol.co.uk/news/2020/12/10/threat-of-christmas-toy-shortages-due-to-disruption-at-ports/ A good time for people to start making their own Christmas presents again. 'Boris' dolls, perhaps? Any old, used, crumpled Kleenex will do.

US government sues Facebook and demands it’s dismantled for ‘unfairly’ crushing competition. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/government-states-sue-facebook-antitrust-zuckerberg-b1768928.html A bit of good news, for a change.

Hate targeted at Gypsy, Traveller and Roma linked to rise in suicides – report. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/dec/10/hate-targeted-at-gypsy-traveller-and-roma-linked-to-rise-in-suicides-report Just another project fuelled by the hate-preaching, fake news, fake conspiracy, racist, Semitic media, of course.

Bank transfer scams code is not working as intended, says UK Finance. https://www.aol.co.uk/news/2020/12/09/bank-transfer-scams-code-is-not-working-as-intended-says-uk-fin/

E-money: what you need to know. https://www.icaew.com/technical/financial-services/fs-helpsheets/emoney-and-what-you-need-to-know

10.12.2020: Staged Brexit negotiations – psychodrama and propaganda. https://truepublica.org.uk/united-kingdom/staged-brexit-negotiations-psychodrama-and-propaganda/

Taxing the wealthy would be the best way to save economy from Covid, expert panel says. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/wealth-tax-coronavirus-economy-uk-b1768522.html Isn't that what Jeremy Corbyn and the Labour Party were going to do? Before the snout-in-trough, offshore, taxpayer-subsidised gutter press went into an apopleptic, 'anti-Semitic' conspiracy rant lasting to this day?

Organic food production ‘sidelined’ in post-Brexit farming overhaul. https://truepublica.org.uk/united-kingdom/organic-food-production-sidelined-in-post-brexit-farming-overhaul/

Boris Johnson launches hunt for new commissioner to drum up trade with EU countries. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/world/boris-johnson-launches-hunt-for-new-commissioner-to-drum-up-trade-with-eu-countries/ar-BB1bM0yN?ocid=msedgdhp Haven't we been here before?

'I'm often faster': Milan's bicycling bookseller takes on the online giants. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/dec/09/im-often-faster-milans-bicycling-bookseller-takes-on-the-online-giants Makes a satisfying change to see a professional cyclist doing something infinitely more commendable than sportwashing terrorists, murderers, thieves and hypocrites.

09.12.2020: More than £1bn spent on record Small Business Saturday. https://www.aol.co.uk/news/2020/12/08/more-than-a-1bn-spent-on-record-small-business-saturday/ If the fake news gutter press sacrificed a fraction of the time it devotes to snout-in-trough Big Corp and fake 'anti-Semitism' stories on supporting small businesses instead, then that extra £1 billion could be spent many times over throughout the entire year instead of just one, single Saturday.

Food shortages and price hikes feared post-Brexit transition even WITH a deal, industry chiefs warn MPs. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/money/other/food-shortages-and-price-hikes-feared-post-brexit-transition-even-with-a-deal-industry-chiefs-warn-mps/ar-BB1bKjNu?ocid=msedgdhp

Not subsidising foreign shoppers will help Britons. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/money/other/the-reader-not-subsidising-foreign-shoppers-will-help-britons/ar-BB1bJIKm?ocid=msedgdhp 'Well done Rishi Sunak for seeking to remove the VAT tax dodge for foreign shoppers. Why on earth should we give a subsidy to affluent tourists when there are poor British people who need his help far more?' writes this hack. On the other hand, if we substitute the 'affluent, offshore, fake news and disinformation gutter press and state media' for 'affluent tourists' (which the vast majority are not) then we could help 'poor British people' a lot, lot more. But that would be 'anti-Semitic', wouldn't it?

Lords vote to revoke UK trade deals with countries committing genocide. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2020/dec/08/lords-vote-to-revoke-uk-trade-deals-with-countries-committing-genocide That is going to estrange almost all of the British murder industry's clients! Plus it's 'anti-Semitic' of course.

Brexit-backing billionaire moves production of 4x4s from UK to France. https://uk.yahoo.com/finance/news/brexitbacking-billionaire-moves-production-of-4-x-4-s-from-uk-to-france-161813861.html This has been common knowledge for months although there obviously hasn't been room to fit in this piece of national trivia among the much more important daily glutfest of fake 'anti-Semitism' conspiracies.

08.12.2020: Builders run short of supplies as UK port holdups raise Brexit concerns. https://www.theguardian.com/business/2020/dec/07/builders-run-short-of-supplies-as-uk-port-holdups-raise-brexit-concerns

UK tops world rankings for highest property taxes. https://www.aol.co.uk/news/2020/12/07/uk-tops-world-rankings-for-highest-property-taxes/ That's because it also tops the world for tax-dodging, money-laundering and corruption all of which have to be funded somehow or the other.

More than 1m people in UK regularly struggle to afford food, report finds. https://www.theguardian.com/society/2020/dec/07/million-people-uk-regularly-struggle-afford-food-report-poverty Perhaps the fake news, disinformation gutter press and state propaganda which promoted the Tory regime could have a whip-round to help out? After being invited to pay their taxes like normal businesses as well? Although we know that would be 'anti-Semitic'!

PayPal customers should get stronger scam protection, says Which? https://www.aol.co.uk/news/2020/12/05/paypal-customers-should-get-stronger-scam-protection-says-which/

07.12.2020: Boom in websites supporting local UK shops amid Covid lockdowns. https://www.theguardian.com/business/2020/dec/06/boom-in-websites-supporting-local-uk-shops-amid-covid-lockdowns

Don’t save the high street – change it completely, says retail guru Mary Portas. https://www.theguardian.com/business/2020/dec/06/dont-save-the-high-street-change-it-completely-says-retail-guru-mary-portas Like getting another 'retail guru', perhaps?

Escape to the country to avoid the virus? No thanks. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/dec/06/escape-to-the-country-to-avoid-the-virus-no-thanks Phew! That's good to hear. So it was just more fake news, in other words. I'm surprised they managed to fit it in between all those column-miles monetising fake 'anti-Semitism'.

06.12.2020: European businesses urge leaders to avoid no-deal Brexit 'disaster'. https://uk.yahoo.com/finance/news/german-dutch-businesses-urge-leaders-124536920.html

Dramatic impact of Covid crisis on smaller firms revealed. https://www.aol.co.uk/news/2020/12/04/dramatic-impact-of-covid-crisis-on-smaller-firms-revealed/

Fears of long HGV tailbacks at Brexit lorry park near Warrington. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2020/dec/05/fears-of-long-hgv-tailbacks-at-brexit-lorry-park-near-warrington

Undercover footage at French farm shows ‘deplorable’ conditions for pigs. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2020/dec/03/undercover-footage-at-french-farm-shows-deplorable-conditions-for-pigs Nearly all modern piggeries have their animals suffering in 'deplorable' conditions and have done so for decades. However, the real issue is that never has the lumpenproletariat been so stupid, indifferent and inert that the exploitation of human beings as well as animals has become a normal occurence.

The tactics internet retailers use to make us spend more – and how they harm the vulnerable. https://www.theguardian.com/money/2020/dec/05/retailers-spend-more-online-stores

Brexit Bullshit Latest: https://truepublica.org.uk/united-kingdom/weekly-news-review-4/

Reality Check: This week is crunch week. If a deal is not announced in the next few days, then it’s no deal (or an extension to the transition period). Both sides know there is no time left. The British government have been reckless at best to have a game of brickmanship involving hundreds of thousands of businesses and millions of jobs as trade-offs. By all accounts, we’re down to fish – nothing more than the iconography of its own machismo given that 99.8 per cent of the economy has nothing to do with fish. As Richard Murphy from Tax Research UK says – “Let’s do some context setting for the Brexit negotiations. There are fewer jobs in UK fishing than there were in Arcadia and Debenhams. And less turnover. The government will let the retailers go but trash the economy for fish. Why, oh why, oh why?” (source).

Britain holds none of the cards. Some in Brussels think no-deal might focus minds in London. “When they gather the size of the disruption, they will start knocking on our door soon enough,” one EU official said. In retaliation to this comment – London has suggested that it won’t return to talks immediately after a no-deal exit. At that point – ‘project fear’ turns into ‘project – really scary stuff of reality nightmares.’

Technically, it is possible that talks could continue until December 31st – as if the country needs to hold its breath that long. Another theory is that the government are wearing the nation down on Brexit so that any deal will be an acceptable one – because whatever happens, Brexit has proven beyond any doubt there are nowhere near the upsides as promised.

As for fish – the reality here is quite simple. If the UK ends up with no deal, British fishermen might catch more fish but they won’t be able to sell them because of EU tariffs. The FT reports that 80 per cent of fish from fishing ports is sent straight over to the continent (source).

Failure of Statesmanship: “A no-deal Brexit is far more likely than anyone is prepared to admit,” so says former Tory leader William Hague who opines in the Telegraph, warning: “For national leaders not to assert themselves and force a solution later this week — if none is forthcoming from the talks — would be a failure of statesmanship.” For a man who once said – “I’m going to reduce the size of the Cabinet, cut the number of ministers, reduce the size of the House of Commons and halve the number of political advisers” none of which remotely happened, a failure of statesmanship appears to be the Tory norm these days (source).

05.12.2020: Construction sector grows as housebuilding ramps up. https://www.aol.co.uk/news/2020/12/04/construction-sector-grows-as-housebuilding-ramps-up/

SMEs need an extra £88,000 to survive the pandemic. https://www.commercialreporter.co.uk/commercial-news/smes-need-an-extra-88000-to-survive-the-pandemic.html

Surveys reveal impact of Covid-19 on self-employed. https://blogs.lse.ac.uk/businessreview/2020/12/01/self-employment-eight-months-into-the-pandemic/ The London School of Economics has carried out a series of surveys to understand how the Covid-19 pandemic has affected the self-employed. The surveys indicated that the self-employed experienced a greater fall in earnings and working hours than any other workers. However, a third of gig economy workers who use apps to find work reported having more work than usual. The surveys also found that self-employed workers who did not receive government support were twice as likely as other self-employed workers to report financial difficulties.

UK business leaders warn of Brexit red tape 'tidal wave' even with deal. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2020/dec/04/uk-business-leaders-brexit-red-tape-tidal-deal We have been warning about 'red tape' disinformation for decades! Still. Musn't deny the serial-lying, fake conspiracy, fake news mainstream gutter press its 'freedom of speech'. That would be 'anti-Semitic'.

'Token gesture' £1k grant an 'insult' to pubs. https://www.morningadvertiser.co.uk/Article/2020/12/01/What-do-pubs-think-about-1-000-grants The Prime Minister's announcement of wet-led pubs receiving a £1,000 grant to help them through Christmas has been met with dismay from the trade, with industry leaders saying it doesn't go far enough.

Jump in purchase scams being reported to Santander by its customers. https://www.aol.co.uk/news/2020/12/04/jump-in-purchase-scams-being-reported-to-santander-by-its-custom/

Majority of consumers ‘more likely to replace broken phone than get a repair’. https://www.aol.co.uk/news/2020/12/04/majority-of-consumers-a-more-likely-to-replace-broken-phone-tha/

Businesses have a duty to educate consumers on climate change. https://www.thegrocer.co.uk/career-advice/businesses-have-a-duty-to-educate-consumers-on-climate-change/651060.article And climate change deniers feel they have a 'duty' to educate bent, fagging Tory politicians.

The lowdown on home emergency and boiler breakdown insurance. https://www.themoneypages.com/insurance/lowdown-home-emergency-boiler-breakdown-insurance/

04.12.2020: Are small businesses really ready for Brexit? https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2020/dec/03/are-small-businesses-really-ready-for-brexit Perhaps they might be - if the government was ready for Brexit!

UK getting vaccine first because it is ‘better country’ than France – Williamson. https://www.aol.co.uk/news/2020/12/03/uk-getting-vaccine-first-because-it-is-a-better-countrya-than/ That's an intelligent thing to say on the eve of a Brexit deal just as the French are busting a gut to demonstrate they are the EU's #1 emmerdeurs. Obviously, the UK is a 'better country' than France - for stupid, corrupt, wanker politicians as well as war criminals, thieves and tax dodgers.

Quarantine Rules: 'High Value' Business Travellers No Longer Have To Self-Isolate. https://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/entry/high-value-business-travellers-self-isolate-grant-shapps_uk_5fc91c67c5b6d7412e5f34c8 These would be the 'high value business travellers' normally afforded police protection, in other words. American, Israeli and Saudi terrorists and war criminals. The mafia. Money-launderers. Arms dealers. Tax-dodgers. Tory regime sponsors and donors. Z-rater media personailities. And so on.

Households urged to forward scam post to National Trading Standards. https://www.aol.co.uk/news/2020/12/02/households-urged-to-forward-scam-post-to-national-trading-standa/ Based on National Trading Standards' performance - to what purpose?

Many consumers holding money in cash rather than investing it – FCA. https://www.aol.co.uk/news/2020/12/03/many-consumers-holding-money-in-cash-rather-than-investing-it-a/ Investing in what? Terrorism? Jobs for murderers? Money-laundering? Tax-dodging? Bankers' profits? Destruction of the planet? Starvation?

03.12.2020: UK hit harder by Covid than any other developed economy except Argentina, in OECD ratings. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/money/other/uk-hit-harder-by-covid-than-any-other-developed-economy-except-argentina-in-oecd-ratings/ar-BB1bxaOY?ocid=msedgdhp

Rishi Sunak’s tourist VAT tax will kill jobs and hold back economy’s recovery from coronavirus. https://uk.yahoo.com/news/rishi-sunak-tourist-vat-tax-121617674.html

Millions of PayPal customers urged to act now to avoid new £12 a year fee. https://www.mirror.co.uk/money/millions-paypal-customers-urged-act-23104725

02.12.2020: UK business minister accused of 'dodging scrutiny' on Brexit preparedness. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/money/other/uk-business-minister-accused-of-dodging-scrutiny-on-brexit-preparedness/ar-BB1bx423?ocid=msedgdhp That is certainly down to the fact that the Tory regime doesn't have anything on 'Brexit preparedness'.

MPs brand Boris Johnson’s Brexit a ‘cold turkey’ and warn of border catastrophe. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/brexit/mps-brand-boris-johnson-s-brexit-a-cold-turkey-and-warn-of-border-catastrophe/ar-BB1bxFpC?ocid=msedgdhp

Quarter of online shoppers ‘more concerned about potential bargains than scams’. https://www.aol.co.uk/news/2020/12/01/quarter-of-online-shoppers-a-more-concerned-about-potential-bar/

UK and US lock in behind Australia in gesture of hypocrisy condemning Chinese freedom of speech. https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2020/dec/02/uk-and-us-lock-in-behind-australia-in-china-row Little Ingerlandt has got its 101 trade deals to replace the EU now, has it? First Huawei, now stupid gestures like this, queering every businesses' patch in a show of hypocritical solidarity with Coalition of Evil fellow-members who were defending racist, hate-preaching France's right to do the same thing just a few weeks ago? (Freedom of speech, laicite, bollocks, etc, etc.) Perhaps if credible depictions of their illegal immigrant/terrorist activities in other countries poses such a problem, they should simply go back to where they belong and in a more realistic gesture of support, carry on reading Australia's most famous export instead - the fake news, fake conspiracy, serial-lying, tax-dodging, taxpayer-subsidised, state propaganda and gutter press?

Democracy wine: politicians worldwide pledge to drink Australian wine in stand against China. https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2020/dec/02/democracy-wine-politicians-worldwide-pledge-to-drink-australian-wine-in-stand-against-china More propaganda bollocks from the Coalition of Evil's Semitic fake news gutter press, ringing bells of American 'freedom fries' during the tenure of France's last truly patriotic president, Jacques Chirac, when he refused to join the terrorist invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq and gained the respect and admiration of 75% of the world. Today, all France can count on is a boycott of all things Merde in France, global disgust and the self-serving interests of the terrorist states of America and Israel. Just like neighbours Little Ingerlandt, in fact.

01.12.2020: Shops to be allowed trade around clock to recoup Covid losses, says Jenrick. https://www.theguardian.com/business/2020/nov/30/shops-allowed-trade-around-clock-recoup-covid-losses-robert-jenrick Or, what is normal activity for self-employed home businesses.

Biggest annual fall in consumer credit borrowing since 1994. https://www.aol.co.uk/news/2020/11/30/biggest-annual-fall-in-consumer-credit-borrowing-since-1994/

Cabinet minister risks farmers’ fury by claiming a no-deal Brexit will bring ‘new opportunities’. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/brexit-no-deal-farming-george-eustice-b1763767.html Or, just another Tory lie. Unless he is talking about 'new opportunities' for covid-spreading American shit-farmers.

Farmers will need to ‘cut CO2 emissions and wildlife loss’ to access funds post Brexit. https://www.independent.co.uk/environment/brexit-farmers-funding-co2-wildlife-b1763233.html Unless they are American shit-farmers in which case they will be given funds as long as they agree to a shag with Little Ingerlandt's un-elected American Prime Minister.

'It’s as easy as from a big-box retailer': ethical and local options for Christmas shopping. https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2020/nov/28/its-as-easy-as-from-a-big-box-retailer-ethical-and-local-options-for-christmas-shopping We assume 'ethical and local' to mean nothing produced by Israeli and American terrorists? Or is that already 'anti-Semitic'?

Wetherspoon chief criticises Government’s ‘reckless decisions’ on Covid-19. https://www.aol.co.uk/news/2020/11/30/wetherspoon-chief-criticises-governmenta-s-a-reckless-decision/ Just as 'reckless' as the Brexit-campaigning, Tory-voting chief of Wetherspoon?


With our usual gratitude and thanks to BAD News and Cobweb Info.

Len Tondel



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