Home Business Alliance
Terms and Conditions
These terms and conditions govern your use of this website. Our terms and conditions of service to you are those terms which are currently in force on the day that you use this website. These may change from time to time so please always check back to view any changes.
Please read these terms and conditions carefully as by continuing to use our site and by requesting our services you are agreeing to be bound by them.
1. Interpretation
1.1 Certain words in these terms and conditions have particular meanings. These are set out below:
"Advertisement" means matter relating to any person (corporate or otherwise) who is not Home Business Alliance which is or is to be inserted on a page of this Website;
Details means the personal information that you provide to Home Business Alliance;
Member means any Member of Home Business Alliance;
Link means any hypertext transfer protocol which by your clicking on it enables You to be directed to a different page of this Website or to a different Website altogether;
Subscription Fee means the non-refundable fee that a prospective Member pays to Home Business Alliance in order to become a Member for the 12 month period starting on the day that the Subscription Fee is paid;
Home Business Alliance means the proprietorial trade association owned and run by The Home Business Alliance Trust;
Terms means these terms and conditions including any material that you can directly access through links in these;
Website means the collection of web pages that Home Business Alliance has published onto the Internet all of which can be found at the Uniform Resource Locator http://www.homebusiness.org.uk;
You means you the user of this Website.
2. Trademark Notice
2.1 The words Home Business Alliance or HBA in any colour or depiction is a trademark of Home Business Alliance. It is our policy to litigate over any breaches. Breaches shall include using the same words in relation to the provision of any similar service to that provided by Home Business Alliance. Breaches shall
also include using a name or icon that may result in customers being confused into thinking that they are dealing with Home Business Alliance.
3. Copyright Notice
3.1 Unless otherwise specified the copyright in the contents of all the pages in this Website are owned by or licensed to Home Business Alliance. You should not copy reproduce distribute post or transmit or link to any page for commercial or business reasons unless You have first received Home Business Alliance's written permission to do
4. Exclusion of Home Business Alliance's liability
4.1 The information on this Website is not advice and the use of the word Advice on the website should therefore be construed accordingly. The content on this Website is either factual (as far as Home Business Alliance is aware), or is merely suggestive guidance written to mean something to the majority of the people who read
it. Nothing on this site should be construed as referring to or providing advice, or even providing guidance on any particular issue. You should therefore not rely on it to make (or refrain from making) any decision or take (or refrain from taking) any action. Home Business Alliance does not make any warranty or representation as to the accuracy or fitness for purpose of any material on this Website;
4.2 Home Business Alliance does not accept liability of any description including liability for negligence (except for personal injury or death) for any damages or losses (including without limitation loss of business revenue profits or consequential loss) whatsoever resulting from use of or inability to use this Website;
4.3 whilst Home Business Alliance shall use its best endeavors to update the material displayed on the Website it accepts no responsibility for any failure to do so;
4.4 Home Business Alliance is not responsible or liable for any matter which is not within its direct control (including but not limited to the breakdown of the server or servers on which this Website is hosted).
5. Members
5.1 Home Business Alliance merely provides a facility whereby people with common business aspirations and experiences can have a forum for sharing knowledge and organising and using a collective voice. It is not responsible for the discussions of any Member and it does not warrant to any Member that what another Member says is
5.2 Members and prospective Members must at all times act honestly and considerately when using this Website;
5.3 before being accepted as a Member, prospective Members may be asked by Home Business Alliance to verify certain information. Only on the receipt of proof of such verification will the prospective Member be accepted as a Member.
6. Notifications
6.1 All notifications to Home Business Alliance under these Terms must be in writing and shall be sent by receipted Email to: info@homebusiness.org.uk;
6.2 all notifications are deemed to arrive at the time of transmission if proof of successful sending is available.
7. Advertisements and Links
7.1 This Website may contain material submitted and created by third parties (including Members). Home Business Alliance excludes all liability for any illegality arising from or error omission or inaccuracy in such material;
7.2 this Website may also contain Links to other websites which are not under the control of and are not maintained by Home Business Alliance. Home Business Alliance is not responsible for the content of those sites. Home Business Alliance provides the Links for your convenience only and does not necessarily endorse the material on these
8. Your Information and Privacy
8.1 We deal with information, depending on our relationship with You. Please also see our Privacy Policy for more details. Click here to view it.
9. Transfer of rights and obligations
9.1 You may not assign or transfer any of your rights or obligations without the written consent of Home Business Alliance. Home Business Alliance may however assign or transfer its rights or obligations (or both) to a successor without consent or prior notice.
10. Others
10.1 You acknowledge and agree that:
(a) You have not been induced to agree to these Terms by any representation warranty or other assurance not expressly incorporated into it; and
(b) in connection with these Terms that your only rights and remedies in relation to any representation warranty or other assurance are for breach of these Terms and that all other rights and remedies are excluded except in the case of fraud;
10.2 a person who is not a party to these Terms has no rights under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 to enforce any of these Terms but this does not affect any right or remedy of a third party which exists or is available apart from the Act.
11. Waiver
11.1 If Home Business Alliance delays in acting upon a breach by You of these Terms that delay shall not be regarded as a waiver of that breach. If it does waive a breach of these Terms that waiver is limited to that particular breach.
12. Law governing the Terms
12.1 The use of this Website and these Terms shall be subject only to the laws of England and Wales which shall exclusively govern the interpretation application and effect of all the above permissions exclusions licences and conditions of use;
12.2 the Courts of England and Wales shall have exclusive jurisdiction over all claims or disputes arising in relation to out of or in connection with this Website and its use and these Terms;
12.3 this Website has been designed and is maintained for use of United Kingdom nationals, residents, immigrants and businesses. Whilst anybody anywhere may access this Website no representation or warranty is made as to whether the information available in this Website is appropriate for any market or economic conditions outside the United
Kingdom, or that it complies with the regulatory regime of a country other than the United Kingdom.
13.1 Our Policy is simple, and is designed to confirm how we treat any personal information that is provided to us. We deal with your information according to Our relationship with You:
13.1.1 Visitors
We do not hold any information whatsoever about people who only visit our site. Unlike many other websites we do not use "cookies". "Cookies" are data files which sit on your computer and which can pass data about your use of the Internet to the entity or person which sent You the cookie;
13.1.2 People who request information packs
If You ask us for an information pack then your name and address will be held on our records for the purposes of sending the pack to You. We do not pass your details to any other organization;
13.1.3 Members and Customers
You choose to join The Home Business Alliance
or to make a one-off purchase such as the Best
Home Businesses and Franchises Ebook, then your
name, address and payment details will be held
on our records for our own administration purposes
only. We do not pass your details to any other
13.2 If our policy changes, we shall immediately change the contents of this page; You may therefore wish to check this page every time that You visit our Website. In addition, You may also wish to read our Terms and Conditions, as these set the framework for the use of our Website and services.
13.4 If You have any questions at any time regarding this policy, please contact us at info@homebusiness.org.uk - we are here to help you.
